In Southern India, near Bangalore, responding to the wish of the X1V Daila Lama, a large university complex that will accommodate both university teachers and Tibetan students was established.
Projects no. 4, 5, 6
Value of the project: € 123,500.00
Project concluded in October 2011
Beneficiary: TCV
One of the reasons why this project was born is the fact that the younger generations of Tibetans no longer learn and adopt the Tibetan culture as far as behaviour and ideology are concerned. The exposure to other cultures influences them a lot.
The Tibetan students need continuity in the acquisition of the Tibetan language and culture as well as in the study of their chosen specialisation subjects in this critical period of growth. Furthermore, the aim of their education is becoming authentic Tibetans who can easily adapt to all kind of places. This conviction is based on an assessment of students in different Indian colleges. Thus, the college is a real necessity for young Tibetans! There is a strong need for the college.
Thanks to associations and foundation like ours, the Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) has bought 37 hectares of ground near Bangalore, the Indian Silicon Valley. The university complex is situated at 7km from Bangalore University and at 27km from Bangalore City. The college will accommodate between 500 and 3,000 Tibetan students; the exact number of students depends on the money from fundraising. The students at the college in Bangalore all come from India and are refugees from Tibet.
Initially, we wanted to invest the money collected during the charity evening on 17 July 2009 in the construction of two classrooms inside the college. A few months later, however, a donator decided to put a considerable sum at the disposal of our project and we therefore took the decision to invest the money in the construction of one of the girls’ residences inside the college.
Fortunately, the interest of donators has been increasing even more afterwards, as well and we thus got the possibility to change our initial project, deciding to donate all the money from the first charity evening in 2009 for the building of one entire floor at the Girls’ Hostel B-Block, accommodating Tibetan girls.
The whole building extends on 725 m². It consists of a ground floor, a first floor, a second floor and a third floor and can accommodate 216 students. The storey that we finance has got 18 three-bedded rooms with a total of 54 beds including bathrooms and toilets. The Costa Family Foundation has committed herself to collect € 123,500.00 (7,724,970 rupees) within 30 December 2012.
Attualmente il college è attivo ed il progetto è stato concluso con successo con il pagamento dell’ultima parte di 43.500 il 7/10/2011.
At the moment the college is active and the project has been concluded successfully with the payment of the last part of 43.500 Euros on October 7th, 2011.