The remote region of Hanley in Ladakh next to the border with Tibet does not only have a really unique landscape but also a TCV for Tibetan children. There live 258 children in 6 dormitory houses and the children have the opportunity to attend school up to the 8th grade, but the milk...
Project no. 2
Value of the project: € 5,000.00
Project concluded in January 2008
Beneficiary: TCV
Supporters of the project: donators and benefactors
The possibility to reach this region of nomads is very rare for Westerners due to Chinese military restriction. The children of this village live in sufficient hygienic conditions and are looked after by adult Tibetans fled from Tibet. When we heard that the children of the village drink freeze-dried milk produced by a multinational we were really surprised. Our aim was to have a stable built by the adult Tibetans of the village and to buy 3 milk-producing cows. At the beginning, the implementation of the project, which was started in September 2008, was very slow due to an illness of the cows. Today, the project is self-sufficient.