Yellow trust

Project started in
Beneficiary Women
Hectares of cultivated land
In progress
Contributions towards project so far
€ 61.150,00
Mappa cuore Afghanistan Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, for a woman, education, a profession or economic autonomy too often remain a mirage. With the return of the Taliban regime, since August 2021, women have been banned from universities and have access to secondary schools in only 7 of the country's 34 provinces. Women and girls are forbidden to work outside the home, and to participate in political and social life. In fact, women are often forced to stay at home, and can only leave the house with their heads covered and in the company of their husband or a male relative. In 2021, Afghanistan took last place in the Global Women, Peace and Security Index. As the international media spotlight on Afghanistan fades away or shifts to other crises, the chaos of a country at the mercy of hunger, cold and poverty, left to its own devices and forgotten, is total and disastrous.

In this context, the all-female saffron cultivation project was born, to give Afghan women the possibility of a free and emancipated life.

The initiative was born in Herat in 2017 out of a close collaboration between the Costa Family Foundation, the women of the RAWA association (Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women) in Afghanistan and the Associazione Gruppi ‘Insieme si può...’ in Belluno. To this was added a literacy course to ensure basic schooling for female beneficiaries who have never been able to go to school.

Despite recent developments in Afghan politics and the tight control of the Taliban, the courageous women involved have decided to continue the project, a tool for social and economic redemption that allows each of the beneficiaries and their families to save themselves from the hunger and poverty that are rampant in the country.


Our commitment

The Saffron Project was born in 2017 in Herat, a city in western Afghanistan, capital of the province of the same name, located in the Hari Rud valley.

Since its inception, the objectives of this project have been many, including to divert from opium cultivation and provide opportunities for literacy and education for Afghan women. In these times of severe economic crisis and severe restrictions on women's employment, the primary aim of the project is also to provide a secure source of income for women with dependent families.

The first years of the project have produced a very good quality saffron harvest, with very encouraging results and a consequent marked improvement in the living conditions of the beneficiary women, who are also supported through the literacy course dedicated to them.

In spite of the danger this entails given the restrictions imposed by the Taliban regime, the beneficiaries themselves have proved determined to continue the project, supported by their communities and families. This is a great result of the awareness-raising and training work carried out in recent years, thanks to which there has been an important cultural change that has led to the appreciation of women, their freedoms and rights.

The Costa Family Foundation is committed to ensuring a salary for the 12 beneficiary women (approximately €870 per woman per year) that can guarantee a decent standard of living for a family of five until they acquire economic independence.

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Other projects in Afghanistan

Project start date
Schools opened
Beneficiaries achived
In progress
Contributions towards project so far
€ 9.000,00


A network of clandestine schools supporting women's education denied in Afghanistan due to the restrictions imposed by the Taliban regime.

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A Goat for an Afghan Woman

The microcredit project that restores dignity, self-esteem and future to Afghan women and promotes a more united and supportive society.


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Project started in
Goats delivered
Beneficiary families
In progress
Contributions towards project so far
€ 48.348,00

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